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Fashion designers combine tweed with different materials: with leather, fur, lace, silk and beads. Tweed creates an atmosphere of classic and severe elegant femininity.
Tweed suits are often associated with classical traditions, respectability, high quality and exquisiteness. This perception appeared not without reason.
Tweed clothes become more and more fashionable. British traditions, aristocratic appearance, clothes in retro style... These tendencies form a special stream in city fashion, and tweed is there extremely appropriate.
In the wardrobe of every businesswoman should be dress made of Scotch tweed. Functionality and elegance never go out of fashion.
Admiring of the fashionable headwears on the pictures in glossy magazines many people don’t venture on buying of a hat because they don’t know how to wear and take care of it.
From the 20s of the last century and up to now tweed clothes stay on the catwalks of the world and their popularity keeps growing. The tweed clothes are preferred by many celebrities.
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