Tout à propos de tweed

Tweed suits have never gone out of fashion since they appeared in Britain. Young gentlemen and children from middle class families looked almost identical on holidays.

Holland Esquire is a relative young but very popular trademark, which specializes in making-up of exclusive classical clothes of natural English fabrics.

Cherchbi is a young but very popular brand in its home country. It was founded in Great Britain by Adam Atkinson in the 2007. Cherchbi believes that its main mission is an extensive popularisation of products made of English tweed.

Tweed jacket in Coco Chanel’s style is a very true classic. With this jacket inimitable Coco discovered tweed for women and showed that the thick and hard fabric can look feminine and graceful.

When we think about England, one way or another we remember of the greatest detective of all time Sherlock Holmes. Pipe, violin, lodgings in Baker Street and unaltered tweed in suit’s details.