Alles over tweed

Tweed is a unique fabric. It is not only beautiful but also durable. It is not only warm but also impermeable. It is not only elegant but also protects from bad weather.
The factory Abraham Moon & Sons in Yorkshire is considered to be a place of origin of Yorkshire tweed. Tweed fabric is produced during more than 175 years in an ancient Victorian building of time-darkened red brick. This is one of the oldest factories of Yorkshire, the biggest county, which is situated on the north of the country.
Tweed is famous for its unparalleled qualities: thickness, resistance to bad weather. Besides, tweed embodies British traditions, which remain unaltered over the centuries.
Another sort of tweed fabric is produced in the north Ireland in the picturesque area Donegal. Therefore it is called Donegal tweed. More than a century local residents rear in these mountains and swamps a special breed of sheep with warm long fleece, which protects them from cold.
When we speak about tweed, we mean famous men’s jackets, coats, hunting kepis and jackets, women’s costumes Coco Chanel and the tweed bike ride Tweed Run. But these are only first associations, which are not full enough.
Before the appearance of tweed jacket which are called classical there was a lot of similar models of men’s clothes. Aristocrats in Europe wore camisoles (a long single-breasted jacket without lapels), bourgeois — jupes, actors — full evening dresses, bankers — dinner jackets.
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