Tweed suit: to buy or to sew?

It is not a secret that made to measure clothes fit to its owner better than ready-made clothes. Tailor will take into account all the individualities of customer’s figure. Ready-made clothes are limited with special standards. This is the case also for tweed items.

To make a tweed suit to order is a practicable but not easy task. Of course, if you are absolutely sure you want to make a tweed suit to order, there is nothing to stop you. However, forewarned is forearmed. Remember the following details, you are definitely going to face with them.

Search for tailor

If it is your first experience of making to order, listen to friends’ recommendations. Have you found a tailor in advertisement? Look at the samples of his work and also at his working room, if possible. How long has the tailor been doing this job? If you are going to pay him money for the job, you should be sure in reliability of this person.

Can the tailor work with tweed?

It is better to clear up this question when you begin to make the acquaintance with a craftsman. Does he know the details of making-up of tweed suits? Has he relevant experience? If tailor has never sewn a tweed suit, it is a red flag for customer.

Selection of fabric

Further you need to find tweed fabric. Tailor will advise you necessary allotment of materials but it is very likely that you will buy it yourself. Can you find true tweed fabric? To make sure that it is not a fake?

Time limits of custom tailoring of tweed suit

Now you should be patient. Period of custom tailoring of tweed suit can vary depending on availability of a tailor, complexity of chosen model, singularities of your figure. Tailor will inform you about approximate date. Usually it is time period from 4 to 6 weeks. However, you should add another 2 or 3 weeks in case of unexpected circumstances. If you decided to have tweed jacket made to order to a particular occasion or day, it is recommended to think about it in advance.

When would it be better to buy a tweed suit?

If you need tweed suit as soon as possible, if you don’t want to wait about 2 months... Then you would rather buy ready-made tweed jacket. Of course, it is recommended to buy only branded Harris Tweed jacket and not copies of doubtful provenance. Ready-made tweed suit (or jacket) is of the same high quality as the best made to measure item.

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