About tweed

Tweed is originally Scotch material, whose history goes back some centuries. Unique qualities and advantages allow using this fabric for producing different items. What is made-up of tweed?
Every success has its own history and every history has its beginning. The history of knitted tweed began about 10 years ago in the 2005 when a prospective founder of the company Brooklyn Tweed moved to New York.
All activity of the factory, from providing sewing classrooms in Leeds with material in the 19th century till cooperation with the biggest fashion houses of our time, makes history of Moon now. All the way of the company over the past 175 years is below.
You will say that tweed is a woollen fabric. And you will be right, of course. But before the appearance of this wonderful fabric there was the River Tweed, which we will tell you about.
Harris, a southern part of the Scotch island Lewis is considered to be a homeland of tweed. Harris tweed is a tweed as it is, whose reputation is maintained over the decades. This world famous fabric is made of sheep fleece, which is reeled in thick rough threads.
Initially, fabric was called tweel, it was the name of twill-woven fabric in Scotland. According to the story, which was expounded by the Duke of Windsor (the former King Edward VIII) in his autobiographic book “Windsor Revisited”, the fabric got its name almost accidentally.
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