About tweed

Autumn tweed coat is a must have of the season. If you are looking for ideal outwear for unpredictable autumn weather, you won’t find a better variant. Unique features of the material, second-to-none quality and elegant outside make tweed coat to an excellent choice for a chilly season.
What is Great Britain primarily associated with? Of course, it’s Big Ben, traditional tee and, doubtless, tweed. This material embodies real English restraint, reliability and elegance. Tweed items can be a stylish supplement to any image and an excellent way to emphasize delicate taste and original style of their owner.
Tweed fabric is well-known to everybody. It is associated with business men wearing elegant tweed suits or business ladies in pencil skirts. Nevertheless, despite the fact that this fabric is rightfully considered to be ideal for making-up classical models for office.
Some people believe that tweed clothes are always very conservative and even old-fashioned. It is thought that only elderly university professors or extravagant artists wear tweed. This opinion is completely wrong.
Tweed is a hard woollen material, which is used predominantly for making-up jackets and suits. According to all projections it will join the ranks of the most popular attributes of the fashion collections in the coming months.
A modern term “dandy” differs a little bit from the meaning it had 100 years ago but a temptation to look like a London dandy hasn’t gone. Traditions of the English fashion-monger are also not broken.
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